Algumas matérias que fiz sobre o Campeonato Brasileiro de League of Legends.

Her Campus + Revista Esquinas

Minhas colaborações para revistas laboratoriais. Produções em inglês e português

Homeschooling: Why The Project Can Harm Brazilian Education

Homeschooling has returned to be a trending subject in Brazil after a draft bill was made and approved by the lower house, now being forwarded to the Federal Senate for discussion. The teaching method is not prohibited by the law, but there wasn’t any lawful backing until now.

Homeschooling is an education method that defends home teaching with parents’ supervision, instead of traditional scholarly teaching.

From homeschooling adepts’ point of view, the method is a way to teach in a particular

More Than “Envolver”: How Brazil Gained Recognition In Music Through The Years

From MBP to Funk, each Brazilian music genre carries a big personality inspired by its culture and ways of life.

Nowadays, we can witness Anitta holding the record of being the most listened-to Latin artist in the world, but a lot had to happen before we got all that space in the cultural industry.

Among all of the incredibles artists we have in Brazil, in this article we gathered six artists that helped Brazil reach a global sphere, giving opportunities for national artists to shine.

Born in

#FogoNosRacistas: O Que É E Por Que Incomoda Tanto?

Na última quarta feira de maio (27), um dos juízes da 3ª Câmara de Direito Privado do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo demandou que uma enfermeira preta apagasse um post no Facebook em que havia um cartaz com as palavras “fogo nos racistas” marcadas nele.

Segundo o portal Rap+, o post havia sido feito para relatar um episódio racista que havia ocorrido com um dos membros da família. De acordo com a enfermeira, a irmã havia sido enganada e pagado a mais por um adereço capilar de menor qualidade.

Licorice Pizza Didn’t Win An Oscar — But It Did Win Our Hearts

Sometimes being good, true-spirited, and well-directed isn’t enough for a movie to be elected as movie of the year by the Academy, and that’s clear on Licorice Pizza’s nomination but CODA’s significant and representative win on Best Movie.

Directed by celebrated Paul Thomas Anderson — the filmmaker responsible for masterpieces that changed the way Hollywood interprets art like Boogie Nights (1997), Inherent Vice (2014), and Magnolia (1999), Licorice Pizza tells a love story — if better defined,